Core Values

What guides our philosophy of ministry and decision-making


Gateway Church emphasizes core values that create the culture we want every team member to uphold.



The spirit of leadership is a servant spirit. The higher a person ascends in the organizational structure, the more their rights decrease and their responsibilities increase.


Unity requires us to focus on our vision—our purpose, mission, and principles—and the efforts of every individual must be harnessed to it. A team approach to ministry, problem-solving, decision-making, and operating within the integrity of our structure are the norm. Relationships come first when addressing issues. All disagreements and offenses are dealt with in a timely and biblical manner.


We're committed to justice and treating everyone right. We show impartiality to any individual or group and strive to remain above reproach in dealing with people.



We express an attitude and spirit of compassion to everyone, and we relate to each other with mercy and grace balanced with truth. We’re focused outside the walls of the church with a patient heart of long-suffering and a desire to reach the lost and to heal and restore the hurting.


God has called us to demonstrate the heart of a servant. Our administrative arm both facilitates and serves ministry.


We embrace God’s ultimate position of authority and His plan for local, delegated authority. We adhere to the principles of submission and honor authority at all levels of the organization. We operate within the integrity of our structure. Appeals of decisions are sometimes warranted and are allowed with a right spirit and within the boundaries of our established structure.



We are committed to advancing the work of the kingdom in the body of Christ by recognizing and supporting other churches and ministries as God gives us the opportunity to collaborate.


In every area of ministry and administration, we bear the standard for the glory of God. Every individual and ministry carries a spirit of excellence (not perfectionism) by embracing a continuous effort to do better.


We seek opportunities to generously share our resources so others can benefit from what God has done at Gateway Church.



We uphold all biblical standards of conduct and reputation for personal, family, business, financial, and community involvement. We strive to remain above reproach in all areas, realizing that we represent Christ to the world as His ambassadors.


Faith creates a positive, grateful atmosphere. We are decisive and proactive based on God’s revealed direction and plans. We aren’t arrogant or overconfident, but we aren’t driven or hindered by fear based on circumstances or the unknown.

Truth- and Spirit-Centered

We are committed to being grounded in scriptural truth and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is our final authority, and the Holy Spirit is our guide to reach God’s destiny for us as a church.