Social Covenant

How we relate to one another

We commit to love, value, respect, and protect each other.

Therefore we continually choose to…


Fully invest in relationships by:

  • Listening to each other.

  • Encouraging and affirming each other.

  • Offering, soliciting, and receiving honest feedback.

  • Believing the best motives.

  • Resolving conflict with forgiveness and reconciliation.

  • Being vulnerable and teachable with each other.

  • Reproducing ourselves in others.

Fully empower relationships by:

  • Trusting each other within healthy boundaries.

  • Challenging constraints and engaging in healthy confrontation.

  • Developing potential in each other, which results in personal growth.

  • Walking in unity with grace and truth.

  • Focusing on the tasks at hand.

  • Being accountable to produce fruitful returns.

  • Extending the opportunity to dream and have fun.